Monday, February 28, 2011

Amazing Ability

I have this amazing ability. I am probably the only person you know who can gain weight while sick. This is the same ability that allowed me today to continue eating and snacking while having a massive stomach ache.

A few months ago, my mixed double's partner was explaining to me about how sick he had been that week and as a result, how much weight he had lost. He had actually lost a fair amount of weight while ill. Of course, most of the weight was regained after a few healthy days, but like normal people, he still came out with a net loss. Whenever I am sick, I come out with a net gain. Being sick might suppress my appetite, but it does not mean that I eat less. I usually eat more because I am so miserable being sick that I am constantly looking for a pick-me-up, usually in the form of food whether it is a bar of candy or five bowls of chicken soup. Add on top of that not being able to workout and it becomes a simple inequality--calories in >> calories out. No wonder the scale reads a few pounds heavier.

For the last month, I have been trying to eat healthier by the usual means--more fruits and veggies and less processed food and sweets. Today, I was quite on track towards the end of the day, eating my carrots and sugar snap peas. These veggies were not quite filling so I had some oatmeal too. Somehow, these foods or this combination at this particular time of day did not agree with my stomach and I ended up with a bloated, uncomfortable stomach. Then, somehow in my twisted logic under physical distress, I reasoned that eating more food would help the situation. Of course, that did not provide the relief I was looking for. Any normal person would have known to stop eating, drink warm herbal tea, and lie down.

Learning that food is not the answer to illness, stomach aches, stress, bad days, screaming babies, etc. is clearly something I need to work on. This amazing ability has got to go.


  1. Nice post, thank you because I haven't really had time to keep up with Rowing Illustrated. The woman, "smiles," cracked me up with this paragraph:
    "Am I capable of ration & minimal drama? Yes
    Am I currently a lightweight? No
    As a matter of fact I have never been.
    I am & always will be an undersized open weight who races in the lightweight class.
    It doesn't matter how petite/compact my frame may be or that anything larger than a size 6 usually just falls off my body,
    I am actually naturally 142-146 lbs and have to work my tail off to hit weight every weigh-in.
    That being said at barely 5'7" with short stubby tree trunks for legs,
    it doesn't matter if I stroked 33 seconds or 133 seconds off an 18 year old Charles sweep record this fall,
    a tall girl with a huge erg will always be put in an 8+ over someone my size so I'm banished to competing light."

    I know exactly how she feels. Here's my version:
    "Am I capable of ration & minimal drama? Usually yes, but my husband will say I'm pretty irrational at times.
    Am I currently a lightweight? Nope.
    As a matter of fact I have never been.
    I am & always will be an undersized open weight who races in the lightweight class.
    I am actually naturally 150 lbs and have to work my tail off to hit weight, if I even can.
    That being said at barely 5'6",
    it doesn't matter if I can pull my weight,
    a tall girl with a huge erg will always be put in an 8+ over someone my size or I will be banished to somewhere in the bow, thus I always feel pressured to try to compete lightweight."

    Lightweight and race weight can be a whole series of posts...stay tuned.

  2. Yeah, I really like Smiles; my favorite at RI. Her posts are always clever and funny. Wish she posted there more.

  3. Let me know if you find any other interesting RI posts! I'd be interested! =)
